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展览日期:2022年04月02日 ~ 2022年04月12日

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  • “山鸣谷应”王梓人个展
  • 展览日期:
  • 2022年04月02日 ~ 2022年04月12日
  • 开幕时间:
  • -
  • 举办地点:
  • 中国 - 北京
  • 主办单位:
  • 三度半艺术空间
  • 详细地址:
  • 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号大山子798艺术区E区七星东街3号
  • 参展费用:
  • -
  • 浏览:697 次 评论:0 条


    王梓人的油画如时空之门,使我们进入危险、神圣、宏大甚至诡异的画面;探寻千年之前? 万里之外? 或仅存于想象的世界。


    自幼游历长城内外山川河谷,内蒙乌拉盖草原与牧民同住? 滇西南边陲深入少数民族秘境? 祖国宝岛环台骑行,尤爱雄伟辽阔之西北,雪山露营、徒步莽原。得以使他的作品,显露出一种"小画面,大气魄"的格局,一种"方寸之间天地宽"的意境。

    尽管是采用了油画材料和工具,部分作品也强烈呈现出一层表面的"现代? 西方? 抽象",但是其作品的精神属性却极其隐晦地展现出"中国内核"。因为,他这些风景题材的作品显然不是以西方式"写生"为创作方式,更不是以表现"光影"为目的,倒颇有几分云山墨戏之意,"山水之志,烟霞之侣"。个别浓重魔幻现实主义风格作品的内里,竟隐现出"大漠孤烟直"的意蕴。









    The poet Raina Mania Rilke once said, " For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror, which we are still just able to endure."

    Wang Ziren's oil paintings, like a space-time gate, bring us to dangerous, sacred, grand, and even weird images, and then to a world thousands of years ago, thousands of miles away, or only exists in our imagination.

    In fact, there is no image without a source in anyone's mind. The 23 works exhibited this time are all inspired by the broad and heroic frontier poems in the Tang and Song Dynasties. Born and bred in China, the gene of traditional Chinese culture flows in his blood.

    Since his childhood, Wang Ziren has traveled to the mountains, rivers, and valleys inside and outside the Great Wall, living with herdsmen on the Prairie Ulgai in Inner Mongolia, going deep into the mysterious realm of ethnic minorities on the southwestern border of Yunnan Province, and cycling around Taiwan. He is enthralled with the splendid and magnificent scenery in northwestern China, where he camped on the snow mountain and hiked in the vast grasslands. These experiences enable his works to show great spirit within small pictures and to include unlimitedness in limited space.

    Despite the use of oil painting materials and tools, and the modernity, abstractness, and western features that some of his works may display, Wang Ziren's works are essentially centered around the Chinese traditional culture. Obviously, his landscape works are neither created in the Western style of "sketching," nor for the purpose of depicting "light and shadow." Instead, he plays with a bit of the freehand style from traditional Chinese landscapes, "aspiring to mountains and rivers, befriending mist and clouds." Some of his magic realism works even have a connotation that echoes with the famous Chinese poem, "In boundless desert lonely smoke rises straight."

    In his works, the "exotic world" is also the "inner world", namely, the expression of the spiritual- a typical feature and function of Chinese literati paintings.

    The ideal realm of painting is to integrate the object, the painting, and the self into one. Everything comes from our pure feeling of the world and the universe. The ancient Chinese used the term "returning to truth" to describe this creative aspiration. "Truth" is a supreme word, which can only be achieved in "harmony between man and nature."

    Martin Heidegger also said that in the work of art, the truth of beings has set itself to work. Despite the disparity between Eastern and Western paintings, they share the same core.

    And Wang Ziren is now on the artistic road of seeking "truth."

    As a very young painter, he listens to his inner call to explore a world much vaster than the mundane existence around him. He hopes to depict it from a new perspective and in an unusual way, trying to explore the hidden realm that fascinates all.

    Even in a small space, we can still see the starry sky behind the haze through the window.

    "Even the towering tree grows from a green bud," we hope Wang Ziren will bring us more excellent works in the future, keep chasing his dream in the world of art and shine like the sun.

    So, in the spring of 2022, let us applaud this young man, let's listen to the "echoing valley" and witness the "rising storm."
