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推荐"Rachel Rose"瑞秋·罗斯个展

展览日期:2020年06月20日 ~ 2020年07月31日

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  • "Rachel Rose"瑞秋·罗斯个展
  • 展览日期:
  • 2020年06月20日 ~ 2020年07月31日
  • 开幕时间:
  • -
  • 举办地点:
  • 中国 - 上海
  • 主办单位:
  • 新世纪当代艺术基金会
  • 详细地址:
  • 上海市徐汇区龙腾大道2555-4栋
  • 参展费用:
  • -
  • 浏览:775 次 评论:0 条

    美国艺术家瑞秋·罗斯将在2020年6月20日至7月31日于池社举办其在中国乃至亚洲地区的首个个展。继德国卡塞尔弗里德利希阿鲁门博物馆个展及法国巴黎老佛爷基金会艺术中心个展之后 ,艺术家将于上海呈现其广受赞誉的《湖流谷》影像装置作品,“生”系列全新雕塑作品以及“象征”系列摄影作品,以探索人类童年、生命政治、炼金术、精神性、自然等主题在当今时代的意义。




    瑞秋·罗斯(1986年生于纽约)现生活工作于纽约。罗斯的艺术实践探索了真实与人造事物、内部与外部世界、死亡与生命的变换状态。在创作时,罗斯回顾电影发展史,广泛引用多样电影手法及风格,并通过描绘不同的主题——低温生物学、美国独立战争史、现代主义建筑或是外太空漫步经验等——质询人类身份的意义,并探索改变、加强或逃离此身份的各种尝试及努力。罗斯曾于巴黎老佛爷基金会艺术中心(2020)、卡塞尔弗里德利希阿鲁门博物馆(2019)、阿尔勒LUMA基金会(2019)、都灵Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaduengo(2018)、费城艺术博物馆(2018)、纽约惠特尼美国艺术博物馆(2015)、伦敦蛇形塞克勒画廊(2015)、都灵Castello di Rivoli(2015)等机构举办个展,曾参加第57届威尼斯双年展(2017)、2014年台北双年展等大型国际展览。

    Pond Society is pleased to present American artist Rachel Rose's first solo exhibition in China and Asia, opening on 20th June 2020. After the artist's recent exhibitions at Fridericianum, Kassel, and at Lafayette Anticipations, Paris, the exhibition in Shanghai focuses on showcasing the artist's crit-ically acclaimed video installation Lake Valley, her new series of sculptural work, Borns, and Signs, Rose's latest series of moving image works. As a whole, the exhibition testifies to the artist's explo-ration of the renewed meanings of childhood, biopolitics, alchemy, spirituality, and nature in the turbulent present.

    Lake Valley, created in 2016, was first exhibited at Pilar Corrias in 2016, and was later presented at the Venice Biennale in 2017. Concerned with the topic of childhood, Lake Valley is an animation comprised of meticulously hand-drawn celluloid frames and layered plates generated from thou-sands of scanned 18th-20th century children's book illustrations. Set in an imagined American suburb that shares the title of the work, Lake Valley centres on a domesticated chimeric animal left alone by its owners. The impulse for Lake Valley was Rose's inquiry into Western ideas of child-hood as separate from adulthood. Industrialisation gave rise to the nuclear family, delineating the child's role as separate from that of the adult. Modern children's literature evolved out of this in the 18th century during the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Recognising the themes of abandonment and separation as a dominant narrative in early children's stories, Rose wrote a fable that amal-gamated literary sources she was researching from the past, to create her own retelling of loneli-ness.

    Also on view are the sculptures of her series Borns, which further develop Rachel Rose's long-term interest in the shape of eggs. For each numerically titled piece, the artist has created a glass-blown shape, which sits atop or seeps into a rock, itself shaped like an egg or eggshell shard. For the artist, the egg is an alchemical symbol; alchemical literature, such as the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, informed the artist's choice of hybridising elemental substances from the earth: Borns are in effect made of one material—sand—in two different states and times. Glass is made from sand, which is pulverised rock. While blown hot glass sets and takes shape immediate-ly, rocks form over thousands of years. Glass is also not solid: it is a liquid material in slow motion; liquid rock. For the artist, the meeting of materials in Borns presents an analogy with conception embodied in the egg as an embryonic vessel from which life grows.

    Rachel Rose's latest series of moving image works, Signs, harks back to the artist's interest in imagined and constructed landscapes. For these, she films animals in their natural landscapes and then distorts and edits them into dream-like scenes, rendering relationships between animate and inanimate, alive and pre-born, and fiction and reality eerie and uncanny. Rose's representative early work and recent artistic developments included in the exhibition together encourage the public to reconsider the fragility and powerful potential of life.

    Rachel Rose (1986) lives and works in New York. Rose's work explores states between real and artificial, interior and exterior, dead and alive. Rose draws from and contributes to a long history of cinematic innovation, and through her subjects – whether investigating cryogenics, the American Revolutionary War, modernist architecture, or the sensory experience of walking in outer space – she questions what it is that makes us human and the ways we seek to alter, enhance, and escape that designation. Recent solo exhibitions include: Rachel Rose, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris; Ra-chel Rose, Fridericianum, Kassel; Enclosure, LUMA Foundation, Arles; Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia; Everything and More, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Palisades, Serpentine Sackler Gallery, London; Interiors, Castello di Rivoli, Turin. Recent group exhibitions include: Viva Arte Viva, 57th Venice Biennale in 2017, and Taipei Biennial in 2014.
