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展览日期:2020年01月31日 ~ 2020年02月05日

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  • “骑士行吟”邱光平世界巡回展-拉斯维加斯站
  • 展览日期:
  • 2020年01月31日 ~ 2020年02月05日
  • 开幕时间:
  • -
  • 举办地点:
  • 美国
  • 主办单位:
  • 凯撒宫
  • 详细地址:
  • Caesars Palace 3570 Las Vegas Blvd South Las Vegas, NV 89109
  • 参展费用:
  • -
  • 浏览:1497 次 评论:0 条







    自2006年他的“马的寓言”系列作品诞生以来,我们在邱光平的画中看到的马,不管是在不同的战场冲锋陷阵驰骋飞奔,还是四面楚歌中惊恐万状嘶鸣长啸,都是狂野不羁的。 他还常常特别使用强烈的近景透视,夸张地凸显马的面部表情。他笔下那些呲牙咧嘴,昂首发出振聋发聩的嘶鸣的马犹似在绝望的困境中挣扎。通过拟人化的马的形象,邱光平向我们揭示了生存之苦痛、毁灭之必然的生命悲剧真相。画面的基调常常凄美而悲壮,充斥着浓郁的悲剧色彩。这可能就是他自己对生活中的个人所要遭遇的现实的体识。面对现实, 每匹作为个体的马(或人),无不被无情的历史进程所挟持或席卷,却又在奋力地嘶喊和挣扎,实现着个人英雄主义。在他悲壮的画面中,那些马似乎并不愿意成为其命运的被动的承受者,而试图以它们最后的嘶喊和挣扎来成为摆脱或改变命运的主动参与者。这可能就是邱光平自己对待命运的态度:在现世的汹涌尘嚣中,我们不能因为声音微小而不呐喊,不能因为现实环境的困苦艰险而放弃奋争,我们要具有摆脱生活中各种羁绊、争取自由解放,驾驭自己命运的信念和力量。作为视觉的表象,这些马在这里成为当代骑士的象征。




    Ode of the Knights-Paintings of Qiu Guangping

    Julia Andrews

    Qiu Guangping's artistic career differs from that of many of his contemporaries in China. He enters the discourse of contemporary art in a unique way and found his own path. His work is known in the contemporary Chinese art world for its original characteristics.

    In his work Qiu Guangping creates a surreal imaginary space, his heaven or his hell. If it is heaven, this heaven is not perfectly beautiful and certainly not a paradise, because it is full of desire, greed, and violence. If it is hell, in the desolation and flames are those who still seek life and survival. With his unique approach Qiu Guangping expresses his bewilderment, anxiety, and anger as well as his deep concern for the fate of civilization and mankind. He seems to intentionally avoid the direct representation of human beings. Various animal images in his painting, such as horses, leopards, vultures and, more recently, pandas, are very striking but their meanings initially seem obscure. In his painting we can sometimes also find elements from ancient Chinese art, such as images found on tomb artifacts of mythological creatures that emerge from the flames of hell and create a ghostly scene. Such depictions of surreal and personified images are the representations of his spiritual pursuits. His painting is always executed with very strong color, and his use of pure yellow pigment especially strengthens the visual effect. The bold and dramatic compositions often possess a striking visual power.

    The horse is the major motif in Qiu Guangping's painting. It is said that Qiu Guangping loves horses in real life, and is especially fond of their courageous and generous nature. This attraction well matches his own bold and unconstrained character.

    No doubt, the horse is a symbol in Qiu Guangping's painting. Horses manifest his reflections on history, culture, and reality. As we know, in the current world, people in many places still suffer from war and poverty. Even people who live in relatively peaceful environments also have to face various kinds of social inequality and corruption. Through the visual image of the horse, Qiu Guangping observes, experiences, and critiques the various problems of society. Therefore, Qiu Guangping's horses have been constructed as a symbol of the human spirit, formed with strong social criticism.

    Since his series "The Allegory of the Horse" appeared in 2006, we see that the horses in his painting, no matter whether heroically flying on the battlefield or braying with frightened eyes in terror or defeat, are all brutal and wild. Qiu Guangping often uses a dramatic close-up perspective to exaggerate the facial expressions of the animal. The grimacing and neighing horses seem to be struggling in a desperate predicament. Through these personified images of horses, Qiu Guangping reveals the tragedy, pain, and destiny of life. His main tone in such paintings is sadly beautiful, full of a strong, tragic color, which possibly conveys his own understanding of the reality people have to face. Facing reality, none of the horses (or human beings), as individuals, could escape the sweeping forces of history, but they still fight on and cry out, showing their heroism. In his tragic compositions, the horses seem unwilling to passively endure their fates, but are actively trying to use their final cries and struggles to escape or change their destiny. This is possibly the attitude of Qiu Guangping himself, in dealing with life and fate: in the uproar of reality we cannot be silent because our voice is small, cannot give up the struggle because the situation is difficult, we should have confidence to break through the various barriers in our lives to seek freedom and liberation, and power to control our own fate. As personified subject matter, horses here become visual symbols of a lonely fighter or contemporary knight.

    Recently, some glistening white stallions have galloped into his paintings. It seems they charge out of the fires of hell into freedom. The tragically braying horses are replaced by divine steeds freely galloping into the sunshine. The intrepid horse, now carrying a torch-bearing panda instead of a scarecrow, breaks out of hell and secular desire to approach paramita. Here, the Ode of the Horse reflects the evolution of Qiu Guangping's recent thinking. He seems to have found a free space closer to Heaven as his spiritual world.

    Kuiyi Shen

    Qiu Guangping is a painter with an extremely strong expressive power. He uses his heart to conduct dialogue with history and reality. The first time I saw his paintings I was strongly impressed by the power in his depictions of herds of galloping horses. From the images of the wild horses, filled with vigor, I saw the image of the artist. He found his best visual symbol, the horse, to express his ideals and concepts. Across the canvas he rides these horses at a gallop, as they, with their neighing and struggling, resist and confront their surroundings. Through his images of horses he conveys his concerns about life, society, and the destiny of human beings, giving his work a powerful quality of social criticism.



    Short Bio

    Julia F. Andrews is Distinguished University Professor at Ohio State University. Her first book, Painters and Politics in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1979 (1994), won the Joseph Levenson Prize of the Association for Asian Studies for the best book of the year on modern China. Her most recent book, co-authored with Kuiyi Shen, Art of Modern China (University of California Press, 2012), won the 2013 ICAS (International Convention of Asia Scholars) Book Prize in the Humanities. In addition to teaching and writing, she also curates exhibitions, and is a frequent contributor to exhibition catalogues. Among her exhibitions are one of the first American exhibitions of contemporary Chinese art, Fragmented Memory: The Chinese Avant-Garde in Exile, at OSU's Wexner Center for the Arts in 1993, the Guggenheim Museum's ground-breaking 1998 exhibition, A Century in Crisis: Modernity and Tradition in the Art of Twentieth Century China, shown in New York and Bilbao, and Blooming in the Shadows at China Institute in New York in 2011. She is currently a Senior Fulbright Fellow at CUHK.
