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“Journeys back to Europe”黄敏作品展

展览日期:2022年09月04日 ~ 2022年09月11日

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  • “Journeys back to Europe”黄敏作品展
  • 展览日期:
  • 2022年09月04日 ~ 2022年09月11日
  • 开幕时间:
  • -
  • 举办地点:
  • 德国
  • 主办单位:
  • WhiteBOX
  • 详细地址:
  • 慕尼黑
  • 参展费用:
  • -
  • 浏览:617 次 评论:0 条

    尧山当代艺术基金会(BMCA)为中国艺术家黄敏推出大型作品展“Journeys back to Europe”(返回欧洲的旅程)。该展览将于9月4日(星期日)在慕尼黑WhiteBOX艺术空间开幕。

    无论是在Werk3大楼扩建之前的旧馆还是现在的新馆,WhiteBOX始终关注着当代艺术在遥远东方的最新动态。2010年,WhiteBOX旧馆曾举办“all about Peking”(关于北京的一切),随后在2012年举办“all about Shanghai”(关于上海的一切)时,WhiteBOX之后的总监迈克尔·伍斯特(Michael Wüst)先生与曾在北京生活多年的策展人亚历山大·格林姆(Alexandra Grimmer)结识。

    从这个角度看,“Journeys back to Europe” (返回欧洲的旅程)正如中国艺术家延续家乡的习俗一样,以一种特殊的方式继承了自2010年以来的传统。对于流逝的过去还存有温情,这一点从某种程度上深深的吸引着欧洲人。




    On Sunday, September 4, the exhibition "Journeys back to Europe" opens in whiteBOX Munich with large-scale works by the Chinese painter Huang Min. The exhibition is organised by BMCA Art Collection.

    Even in the old whiteBOX, before the extension of the Werk3 building, where the new whiteBOX is located today, the organisers endeavoured to show new developments in Far Eastern art. In 2010, the old whiteBOX showed "all about Peking" and in 2012 Michael Wüst, then director of the whiteBOX, and curator Alexandra Grimmer, who had already been living in Beijing for a long time, got to know each other at "all about Shanghai".

    Seen in this light, with "Journeys back to Europe" the tradition of a passion for contemporary Chinese artists who have been reflecting the tradition of their mother country is being continued in a very special way.

    While Western art in the 20th century elevated the habit of breaking with tradition to an aesthetic constituent, Chinese artists took a slow, inductive path, into the question: what is the world behind its appearance. It is exciting to be taken away by Huang Min's colossal paintings into a cosmopolitan distance from the world, in which the essence of things does not yet seem frozen in programmatic terms and the colossal has not yet degenerated into an expression of veneration.

    As a response to the spacious exhibition place in Munich, the focus of this exhibition will lie on 8 large format paintings by Huang Min from the holdings of BMCA Collection, to be shown in combination with important porcelain objects which the artist realised in Jingdezhen.

    Huang Min’s oeuvre shows a wide variety of image carriers: from canvas, where she especially loves to use over dimensional formats, over different kinds of paper or wooden boxes. The surface of porcelain also represents a common base, to add her characteristic painted brush strokes in the glazing. Regardless of technique or colours, her painted language is immediately recognisable.
